pink tulips in bloom

Top 5 Organic Gardening Hacks For Spring!

If you’re like me, then you love spending time outdoors in the springtime. There’s nothing quite like the smell of fresh air and the sound of birds chirping to make you feel alive. What’s even better is getting your hands dirty and working in the garden! In this blog post, we will discuss 5 of the best organic gardening hacks that are sure to help make your spring gardening experience a little bit easier.

Neem Oil

The first gardening hack we’ll discuss is using neem oil. It is a natural, organic pesticide that can be used to get rid of pests like aphids, whiteflies, and spider mites. It’s non-toxic to humans and pets, so it’s a great choice if you’re looking for something safer than traditional pesticides. Use this if you have a very stubborn problem only, so we don’t hurt our garden friends, the butterflies, bees, spiders, and ladybugs.

eggshells broken


The second gardening hack is using eggshells in your vegetable garden. Eggshells are a great source of calcium, which helps plants grow healthy and strong. You can either crush the shells up and sprinkle them around the base of your plants, or you can bury them whole near the plant’s roots. Either way, the calcium will help your plants thrive. Slugs also HATE the way the shells feel on their skin, so if slugs are a problem for your garden, definitely try eggshells!

Vegetable Skins

The third gardening hack is using vegetable skins in your garden. If you’re like me and always have a few leftover potato or carrot skins, then don’t throw them away! Instead, put them in your garden to help keep the soil healthy. The skins are rich in organic matter and nutrients, so they will help improve the quality of your soil over time. They also make a great mulch because they decompose slowly, which means you won’t have to add new mulch to your garden every week.

yellow banana peels

Banana Peels

The fourth gardening hack is using banana peels in your garden. Believe it or not, banana peels make great fertilizer for plants! They are high in potassium and magnesium, which help to improve the quality of the soil. You can either bury the peels near the plant’s roots, or you can chop them up and mix them into the soil. You can even soak the chopped up peels in water for a few days to create an all-natural liquid fertilizer that plants LOVE! Either way, the potassium and magnesium will help to improve your plants’ growth.


The fifth and final gardening hack is using earthworms. They are beneficial for the garden because they eat decaying matter and help to aerate the soil. This in turn helps improve the quality of the soil and helps plants grow better. You can either buy a bag of earthworms at your local garden store, or you can collect them from your backyard. If you choose to collect them from your backyard, just be sure not to use any chemical pesticides or herbicides, as these will kill the worms. Don’t forget to be very careful if using neem oil as well!

brown wooden spoon


Epsom salts are a great source of magnesium and sulfur. These are two elements that plants need to grow healthy. You can either put them on the soil around your plant or mix them into the soil before you plant! These salts are very well-loved by tomatoes! They’re also good for humans, so if you have any leftover after using them in your garden, just sit back and relax with an epsom salt bath 🙂

More Resources To Get You Growing!

For even more helpful tips, check out Jessica Tay of The Little Green Yard’s article on No Till Gardening!

If you need help selecting beginner-friendly plants, check out The Lil Urban Garden’s blog post on the Easiest Vegetables To Grow From Seed!

Do you have any favorite gardening hacks that we didn’t mention? Share them with us in the comments below! We would love to hear from you!

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